Sunday, April 1, 2007

undocumented new TG features

BandRadar is implemented in TurboGears, a Python-based web framework. The interesting thing about TG is that it is like the Borg of web frameworks -- it incorporates several different projects for different areas of functionality, and acts to tie them all together nicely.

While there is the larger debate about which components to use, now that TG offers choices for templating and ORM, there are also smaller issues, because new versions of the old components are still coming out!

For example, when I first started implementing BandRadar in TurboGears 0.8, SQLObject would not clean up entries in an intermediate table used for many-to-many relationships. Therefore, I had to write destroySelf() methods for all classes with these that cleaned this up manually.

This isn't necessary anymore, SQLObject 0.8 deletes them for you. It also allows you to define cascade behavior for ForeignKeys. This is very nice, and I am glad to be rid of that code. But why did I have to find out about this new feature by happenstance? The SQLObject developers really need to have a changelog and release notes evident on their web page. These new features are documented, but I don't think many people make it a habit to skim docs for new tidbits -- this is why release notes are important.

However, ranting aside, there is now one less reason why I should take the time to switch to SQLAlchemy. ;-)

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